Дешевый хостинг


Interview with Lucio Giuliodori

Автор: Екатерина | Дата: 31-05-2016 в 10:12 | Просмотров: 336 | Комментариев: 0

Interview with Lucio Giuliodori
The interview with poet, writer and professor of art Lucio Giuliodori. Tomorrow the Russian version of interview will be published. Stay tuned! Завтра будет опубликована русская версия интервью. Следите за новостями!

"Kate: What other movements in art do you like besides surrealism?
Lucio: To be honest, I’m very focused on surrealism. I can appreciate some other stuff, but it’s nothing more than just appreciation..."

Категория: Песочница


Three Kings' Parade in Barcelona 2014

Автор: Anastasiiabarcelona | Дата: 6-01-2014 в 06:27 | Просмотров: 513 | Комментариев: 0

Well, today the first time for long years I felt like a child! Do you know why? Because today I was on the festival Three Kings' Parade in Barcelona 2014. It is interesting tradition that started long long ago... All children want to receive their presents! That why they should be good all year! If not- Three Kings wouldn't bring presents for them. The main mission for children today was to give theirs letter to kings and catch the candies...CANDY RAIN...

Категория: Реклама, маркетинг и пиар